DIY Photo Hanging Idea

Today’s DIY post is inspired by my love for boho and rustic style. It’s quick, easy and very cheap!DIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging Idea

What you need:

-Tree branch(es)
-Yarn (white or black looks best in my opinion, but you can do whatever color your heart desires)
-Photos (I got mine printed from they are 3×3 squares, and I love them!)
-White string, or fishing line, whatever is available
-Mini clothes pins
DIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging Idea
White string not pictured.

What you do:

1. Go outside and find a tree that has some branches you can easily reach and break off. Lay branch out, measure and cut yarn longer than the branch.
2. Lay out yarn according to where you want to tie it on the branch, then tie a knot on each side.
3. Figure out where the middle of the yarn is and start pinning the photos from there. Then pin each photo in alternating sides of the middle one.
4. Once done, tie the white string (or fishing line) to the ends of the branch. This string is what will hang on the nail in the wall. Cut excess pieces of string and hang!
boho-photo-hanging-idea-2boho-photo-hanging-idea-13DIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging IdeaDIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging Ideaboho-photo-hanging-idea-7

And voila! DIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging IdeaDIY - Boho/Rustic Photo Hanging Idea

Simple and beautiful isn’t it? I figured this time of year would be the perfect time to share this project as the leaves have fallen and the trees are bare.

If you liked this post please don’t forget to share and pin it for later! 🙂


    • tayonthemove Reply

      Thank you, I’d love to know how it went for you! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

  1. Pingback: Photo Hanging Inspiration | Life With Rachael Anne

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