Ice Skating

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Lincoln Park Nature Boardwalk, Chicago

As sad as I was to move out here, I do have to say that Chicago ended up being a really awesome city. It’s clean, easy to get in and out of, there’s tons to eat and most of all so much amazing art and architecture everywhere. In particular, I immediately fell in love with the Lincoln Park neighborhood. And I make it a point to bring friends and family here whenever they are visiting. With winter break coming to an end, I took my nieces by the Lincoln Park Zoo and Nature Boardwalk this past weekend. They have an outdoor ice skating rink here during the winter months and thought they would enjoy it. In case you were wondering, its $5 for admission and $5 for skate rentals. It’s right outside of the zoo (which is free) and in between the barns. In this area, my favorite part is the…
