Lincoln Park Nature Boardwalk, Chicago

As sad as I was to move out here, I do have to say that Chicago ended up being a really awesome city. It’s clean, easy to get in and out of, there’s tons to eat and most of all so much amazing art and architecture everywhere.Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 15

In particular, I immediately fell in love with the Lincoln Park neighborhood. And I make it a point to bring friends and family here whenever they are visiting.Lincoln Park Chicago Ice Skating 1

With winter break coming to an end, I took my nieces by the Lincoln Park Zoo and Nature Boardwalk this past weekend. They have an outdoor ice skating rink here during the winter months and thought they would enjoy it.

In case you were wondering, its $5 for admission and $5 for skate rentals.Lincoln Park Chicago Ice Skating 2Lincoln Park Chicago Ice Skating

It’s right outside of the zoo (which is free) and in between the barns.Lincoln Park Chicago Ice Skating 3

In this area, my favorite part is the boardwalk. It’s such a wonderful walk from where you can enjoy nature (obviously) but also have a view of the city.Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 11

But most of all, there is an art piece here that I absolutely LOVE!Lincoln Park Chicago Nature BoardwalkLincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 8Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 10

It is designed by Studio Gang Architects and its honeycomb structure is so simple yet so beautiful all at once.Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 3Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 5

Every time I go here (and trust me I’ve gone A LOT just in the past two months alone), I go insane taking pictures. I never get bored!Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 1Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 6Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 2

They all turn out so cool no matter what angle is captured.Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 4Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 16

What I love is that the fiberglass panels emit various kinds of light depending on the location of the sun and makes the structure appear different throughout the day.Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 7Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 12

Are you ready for this next one which was taken during the sunset?Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk 13

Incredible isn’t it?

I’ve seen this place being used as a classroom as well as a backdrop for engagement photo sessions. Not to mention, selfies here turn out pretty great too. (You’re welcome!)Lincoln Park Chicago Nature Boardwalk Selfie

Selfie stick needed for this kind of picture (or someone willing to lay down on the ground).

Are there any art pieces in your city that you never get bored of? 


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