About Tay

I am an American, Muslim, Pakistani, Woman. And after being born (to a traditional Pakistani house-wife and an imam) in Magburaka, Sierra Leone and living in six other places in the past several years, I have been fortunate enough to travel and see a few places around the world (mostly in the US though…along with a couple other countries…so far). I’ve seen amazing places, made incredible friends and have learned a lot.

If you ask my friends, they will tell you that I love planning parties, eating/making food, organizing trips, and just going on different kinds of adventures and dragging them along (in particular that one time where I took them rowing with me and got us stuck)…basically always “on the move.”

I like to live by Rumi’s quote “beauty surrounds us” simply because as much as I hated moving around (From Sierra Leone to  Pakistan to several states in the US), I realized I should embrace it and find new places and make new friends and do new things and make the most of it! Most people live their whole lives in one place and although, now, I would love to stay still, I don’t think I’d change a thing.

The last place I lived was Chicago, Illinois. After being there for three years, my dad got transferred to Detroit, Michigan. When we heard the news, I decided that this whole moving thing is no longer for me. I started searching for jobs between Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Soon after, I got a job in Harrisburg and that is where I live now.

I want this blog to be about embracing the present and enjoying life to the fullest! I want to share my explorations, recipes and creativity and hope to inspire you to go out and see the places around you that you never knew existed, make a meal from scratch, and bring out the creative genius in you!

I hope you stick around to check it all out and please feel free to comment and leave any suggestions on what you see so far. 🙂

If you would like to work with me, you can fill out the form below. I look forward to hearing from you!





  1. Hi Tay,
    Your blog looks great. Love the neat and professional but still fun layout!
    Looks like you’ve had many international adventures and experiences in your life, I look forward to reading about them! 🙂

    • tayonthemove Reply

      Thank you so much! Looking forward to checking more of your blog out as well! 🙂

  2. We love this message! Still working our way through your blog and absolutely love what you stand for! A *high five* to “embracing the present and enjoying life to the fullest “❤️

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