We rise by lifting others. -Robert Ingersoll
DIY Yarn Wall Hanging
So, upon seeing countless boho style wall hangings on Pinterest, I decided I’d take a go at it myself. They all looked like they’d be very inexpensive and easy to make. And most of them utilized my favorite material from the backyard…a tree branch! lol For this project, I took inspiration from The Good Time Home Store Blog. What you’ll need: – yarn of your choice -a cool looking tree branch -scissors -ruler (optional) What you do: 1. Cut yarn into long pieces, all about the same size (you will cut them down to your desired length later) 2. Once they are all cut, tie them to the branch by folding the yarn in half and then looping it around the branch and through the hole. (like in the picture above) 3. Hang them all in your desired order. 4. After you are done tying all the yarn pieces to the…
A Majestic Sunset on the Susquehanna
For this post, I really don’t want to say much except that I planned an evening out with my friend, T and we unexpectedly got to experience one of the most magical sunsets ever! (I have decided that I’m going to start using initials in my posts from now on instead of saying “my friend” all the time.) Originally, we had decided to meet up at Home 231 (a restaurant) after she got off work. But as I was driving on Front St. to get to the restaurant, I noticed the river was foggy and continuously changing. I thought to myself there is no way I’m not stopping here for a bit. So I called up T and told her to meet me at the river first. She was so glad that I did because just look at these photos! Shout out to T for being a natural model! Is there a…
Washington D.C. Architecture – Islamic Center
Happy new year everyone! I hope you had a lovely New Year’s Eve and I pray that this coming year be full of blessings for all. My first post this year will be the continuation of my recent D.C. trips which really opened up my eyes to new architecture in the area. On the same day we saw the Washington National Cathedral, we also came to The Islamic Center. It is located on Embassy Row on Massachusetts Ave. The original reason for its existence was that in 1944 the Turkish ambassador had died and there was no mosque for his funeral. After support from the diplomatic community and the Muslim community across the nation, it was completed in 1957. This structure was designed by an Italian architect Mario Rossi who sought inspiration from 15th century Mamluk Egypt. The entrance is covered in beautiful horseshoe arches (that I could not get enough of). This…
Washington D.C. Architecture – National Cathedral
I hope everyone who celebrates, had a lovely Christmas! May you’re lives always be filled with love, happiness, laughter and delicious food! Today, I am going to be sharing photos of a new place I saw during my visit to Washington D.C., the Washington National Cathedral. As an admirer of architecture, my friend suggested we check it out. This Gothic style cathedral was finished in 1990 and is the 2nd largest in the US and the 6th largest in the whole world! It really was massive and we could see it from really far away which makes sense because the top of its tower is the highest point in D.C. It’s located on top of Mount Saint Albans in Northwest Washington. Once we got to the area, we saw Olmsted Woods and noticed a pathway to through it called the “Pilgrim Way” and decided to take that up to the Cathedral.…
The Art of the Qur’an Exhibition at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.
As you know, I’m currently in the east coast which means I’ve made quite a few trips to Washington D.C. Until recently, I didn’t realize that D.C. is such an easy city to get in and out of, even in a car. I think I went to the city probably 3 or 4 times in one week. I had the opportunity to eat at many different restaurants, look at beautiful architecture that I had never seen before and go to some art galleries! One of the main reasons I went was to check out The Art of the Qur’an Exhibition; Treasures from the Museums of Turkish and Islamic Arts. It’s being displayed in the Freer and Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian until February 20, 2017. And it’s FREE. That’s one thing that I love about the Smithsonian, there are so many museums to see at no cost! There’s literally no excuse for…
DIY Photo Hanging Idea
Today’s DIY post is inspired by my love for boho and rustic style. It’s quick, easy and very cheap! What you need: -Tree branch(es) -Yarn (white or black looks best in my opinion, but you can do whatever color your heart desires) -Photos (I got mine printed from Walmart.com they are 3×3 squares, and I love them!) -White string, or fishing line, whatever is available -Scissors -Mini clothes pins White string not pictured. What you do: 1. Go outside and find a tree that has some branches you can easily reach and break off. Lay branch out, measure and cut yarn longer than the branch. 2. Lay out yarn according to where you want to tie it on the branch, then tie a knot on each side. 3. Figure out where the middle of the yarn is and start pinning the photos from there. Then pin each photo in alternating sides of the middle…
Wednesday Wisdom – Take to forgiveness…
Take to forgiveness, and enjoin kindness, and avoid ignorance. -Holy Quran 7:200 I think we could all be more forgiving and kind, and always be willing to seek knowledge.
Small Cities in the US – Vermilion, Ohio
As you may know, I live in Chicago but often go to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Silver Spring, Maryland since my siblings live there. A lot of the times I end up driving to and from there no matter how much I say that next time I’m just going to fly! I usually don’t mind driving, but this drive is really boring, there’s barely anything exciting that comes along the way! However, I have managed to find a town that I like stopping in when I have time. It’s also conveniently about halfway between Chicago and Harrisburg, called Vermilion, Ohio. It’s a cute town located by Lake Erie which means there is a beach (one of my favorite things ever). The reason why I initially chose to stop here was because of an ice cream shop called Granny Joe’s Ice Creamatorium. It had good reviews and so I knew I had to check…
Wednesday Wisdom – The ultimate measure of a man…
*This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a commission at no additional charge to you if you make a purchase using my links.* The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. -Martin Luther King Jr.