Egg Salad Sandwiches

This is a continuation of recipes from the tea party I did a couple of months ago. I learned how to make egg salad sandwiches very early on in my life.

I picked this recipe up from my aunt who taught us how to make them at summer camp. I always remembered eating hers and loving the taste. And when she showed us exactly how to make them, I couldn’t believe how easy they were!
Egg Salad SandwichEgg Salad Sandwich Egg Salad Sandwich Egg Salad Sandwich


-5 hard boiled eggs
-1/4 cup mayonnaise
-1 medium sized cucumber, chopped (I prefer the Persian ones)
-1/2 tsp paprika
-salt & pepper to taste
-bread of choice
-extra cucumber slices for garnish (optional)


1. Combine eggs, mayonnaise, cucumber, paprika, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl.
2.Serve between slices of bread that you can either cut in half or like I did in cute little four squares. (To make them even cuter, you can add thin slices of cucumbers on top and stick a fancy toothpicks in them!) DIY Tea Party

These are really great, and the cucumber adds a nice crunch and refreshing factor to it. It was a perfect snack after playing out in the warm summer sun!


  1. I make this all the time! But growing up we always put green olives in it instead of cucumbers. I’m going to have to try this sometime.

  2. Looks very delicious. What can be a replacement for Mayonnaise?

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