Six Hours in Washington D.C.

Remember when I was telling you about a friend of mine who was visiting from the UK this summer and I took her around? Well, another place that we went to was Washington D.C. And remember when I told you we were on a time crunch? We saw D.C. in approximately six hours! Also it was the day that there was a heat wave warning…so it was quite a day!

We took the metro from the Glenmont Metro Station to the Metro Center Station which was the closest to the White House, our first stop!

1. White House

We could only see this from far away. There was another fence in front of that black fence which you can’t see in this photograph that we had to stand behind. I remember being able to go right up to that black fence a few years ago. I guess there’s extra security now?

2. Washington MonumentWashington Monument, Washington D.C.
The Washington Monument could pretty much be seen from everywhere in D.C., in particular the National Mall. We didn’t go inside it but just walked around it and had views of it from every where.

3. Paddle Boating by the Jefferson MemorialJefferson Memorial, Washington D.C.
We decided to go paddle boating for a little while since my niece was with us. She loves the water, so we thought this would be the perfect thing for her to enjoy.Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C. Jefferson Memorial, Washington D.C. I enjoyed it as well as I sat in the back and let my sister and friend paddle us around. 😉 Also, as cool as the swan paddleboat is, it was not the right weather to get that one on that particular day. We needed a shaded one real badly. I honestly don’t know how those people are doing it, kudos to them!

4. Lincoln MemorialLincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C. 
After our paddle boating adventure, we headed out to the Lincoln Memorial. It used to be my favorite memorial until I discovered the Martin Luther King Jr. one. (Coming up!) I fell in love with Lincoln after watching the movie, Lincoln. (It’s an awesome movie, everyone should watch it!)Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

I think we stayed here the longest. While my friend looked around, I sat on the steps of the memorial for a while, just people watching and enjoying the humidity.Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

P.S. Here is a view of the Washington Monument from the Lincoln Memorial:Washington Monument

5. Korean War Veteran’s MemorialKorean War Veterans Memorial, Washington D.C.
I really liked this one as well. I had never been to it before. The statues of soldiers around the field was a nice touch. Behind them is a black granite wall that has names of the veterans carved into it.korean-war-veterans-memorial-washington-dc-1 Korean War Veterans Memorial, Washington D.C.

6. Martin Luther King Jr. MemorialMartin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C.
I had never been here before either and I absolutely loved how this was designed. He is carved out of stone which I thought was really neat! Martin luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C.It’s also placed by the water which makes the setting even more beautiful. The walls around the memorial had his quotes carved into them and we enjoyed reading through them…as fast as we could!Martin luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C. Martin luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C.

7. World War II MemorialWorld War II Memorial, Wshington D.C.World War II Memorial, Wshington D.C.
This was our last and final stop of the day. I always enjoy this memorial. It’s a good one to sit by and enjoy the weather and all the views…of the Washington Monument…Washington Monument

If you click here, you will be taken to a map (hopefully) that shows how close all these places are and exactly where we went.

Well, that pretty much sums it up. Now you may be wondering what we ate that day because we couldn’t possibly have gone to all those places without any fuel, right? Well since we were in a hurry, we just got a gyro from a random stand really quickly and headed off. It wasn’t anything memorable otherwise you know you’d hear about it.

Have you been to D.C. before? What is your favorite memorial?


  1. I love this swan paddle boat ! Ive never been in DC but I drove though a lot ! I wish I stoped by as I can see you can see a lot in such a short time!

    • tayonthemove Reply

      Next time you drive through, you have to stop by! 🙂

  2. Great trip – you made me feel like I was there! I’ve visited DC a few times, most recently in the Spring to visit the White House Garden (!). It’s a great place! Glad you guys were able to see so much!

    • tayonthemove Reply

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen the garden. I guess I must go back!

  3. Hi Tay,

    Fab shots! And I know things get brutally hot down there. Must have been super stifling! We saw a few spots when I visited with da fam many moons ago. We were in awe of the scale of the Smithsonian. Brilliant museum. You jam-packed so much into 6 hours. Well done 😉 Thanks for sharing!


    • tayonthemove Reply

      It wasn’t ideal to jam pack so much in a short amount of time, but we had to! lol Thanks for stopping by again! I love the Smithsonian! 🙂

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