If you’ve been following my posts, you will notice I had a very eventful summer last year. Continuing with that awesome time in my life, this post is about a day that I spent in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I had been to Philly a few times before too, but this time it was to show a friend around. Luckily, because of my previous few visits I had been acquainted enough with the city to be somewhat of a tour guide. We were staying at my sister’s in Harrisburg which is 2 hours away (not bad for a day trip) from Philly. If you click on this link, you will be directed to a google map guide of the route we took on foot to see the city. I usually use the Park-Me app on my phone to find the cheapest parking in and around cities I visit. So far, it’s been really helpful…
Milwaukee Public Market – Milwaukee, WI
While in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last summer, I went to the Milwaukee Public Market. On my internet search, it came up as one of the top places to visit there. It’s basically a foodie’s heaven because there are multiple food vendors in one building and so you have all these options to pick from to have your meal. We arrived at lunch time so it was a bit crowded and we had to wait some time to get food. But let me tell you, the wait was well worth it! As excited as I was, I was also freaking out because I wanted to try everything but obviously my stomach wouldn’t allow that. Which reminds me of the time when one of my friends asked me if I could have any super power what would it be? She’s actually asked me this a few times on different occasions. And my usual answer was to be…
The Milwaukee Domes – Milwaukee, WI
Last summer, when my friends were here, we ventured out to Wisconsin. They had already seen most of the touristy spots in Chicago, so I thought we should explore another state. One of the great things about being in the mid-west is that states are driving distance. Milwaukee, Wisconsin takes about an hour and a half from Chicago which is not bad for a day trip at all. When looking up things to do in Milwaukee, I found Mitchell Park Horticulture Conservatory AKA The Milwaukee Domes. (I told you I had a thing for conservatories.) This one was $7 dollars per person (or $5 if you have a student ID). It features three domes each with different themes, Tropical, Desert and The Floral Show Dome. We got there an hour and a half before closing and that was just enough time for us to see everything and take some selfies! I really…
Valpo Velvet – Valparaiso, IN
Continuing with the exploring Indiana theme, it’s time to tell you about Valpo Velvet. When I was looking up things to see, do and eat in Valparaiso, Indiana, I kept coming across Valpo Velvet. It’s an ice cream shoppe! And such a historic one as well. They’ve been making ice cream in this location since 1947. And what’s great is that they continue to make all their products from scratch! The picture of the ice cream featured above may not look as exciting but the flavor definitely was. There are about 50 different flavors of ice creams, sherbet, frozen yogurt, etc. to choose from and I got Salted Caramel. It’s one of my all time favorite flavors of ice cream along with cookies and cream. It was delicious! I really liked the inside of this shoppe as well, it was really cute. In particular, I enjoyed all the colorful chairs, almost each…
Portage Lakefront & Riverwalk, IN
I posted about the Indiana Dunes State Park last week and decided I wanted to share just how I decided I wanted to explore this area. When I first moved to Chicago, I met someone who lived in Valparaiso, Indiana (which is about an hour and a half from Chicago). She told me she also moved here pretty recently, from Canada (about four months before me). Another person who just moved here from a different place? YAY! We can connect and talk about how much we miss where we used to live and hate on the Chicago winters! (These are the first thoughts I had when meeting her…lol) Well, she is from Canada so the whole winter thing doesn’t really bother her as much. Moving is something that I’ve done a lot and each time it’s not easier than the previous time. If anything, it gets harder. For some people, it isn’t the biggest deal in…
Mindy’s Hot Chocolate – Chicago, IL
In my last post I was remembering the warmth. However, since I have no control over the weather, I embrace winter by drinking lots and lots of hot chocolate. And lucky for me, there are several places in Chicago dedicated to just that much like Mindy’s Hot Chocolate. One of my friend’s had been wanting to try this place after reading so many great reviews. So a couple of weeks ago we finally got the chance! It’s located in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood in the middle of shops and restaurants. As soon as I walked in, I loved the interior. And the very first thing that I noticed when I walked in was a beautiful brick wall that was painted white and embellished with wall planters made from glass bottles. So simple, yet so eye catching too. I was happy when they seated us right by it. We both ordered the Medium Hot Chocolate made…
Indiana Dunes State Park, IN – Flashback to Warmth
As a lover of warm weather, I can’t help but think about warmer days. It’s now the end of January and I am so ready for the summer even though it will still be a while before it’s here. But, I do have to say that I am thankful that winter here in Chicago has been relatively mild this season compared to previous years. This post is a flashback to my first summer in Chicago (last year) and I guess I couldn’t stay away from a beach post for long. My four year old niece, much like me, adores the beach. So I had to make sure I gave her that experience here as well. I know there are beaches in Chicago by Lake Michigan but I wanted to get away from the city which is why we ended up at the Indiana Dunes State Park. It’s about an hour and a half from where…
The Millworks – Harrisburg, PA
I am so excited to share this post with you! The last time I went to Harrisburg was in November, on the birth of my niece. That is when I discovered The Millworks. Well, technically I didn’t discover it on my own. My friend suggested we go here (I love it when my friends know exactly the kinds of things I would like and appreciate). So basically this place is for anyone who enjoys art and food. As you walk in, you are immediately greeted by artwork on the walls. Inside, there is a shop which features prints, jewelry, pottery etc. from local artists. They have several art studios on the main floor as well as the upstairs. I fell in love with the architecture and the interior design immediately. The lumber utilized inside was re purposed from whatever was left inside when the building was originally purchased. The design up…
Susquehanna River – Harrisburg, PA
If you randomly find yourself in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, don’t panic! It may seem like a place with not much happening but you will be surprised once you decide to give it a chance. I go here a lot because my sister lives here. And if I’m honest, staying here for more than a weekend sometimes could have felt like torture if it wasn’t for my awesome family and friends. However, I did eventually learn to appreciate it. There are some hidden gems to be discovered and I try to find new ones whenever I go. I will start off with the Susquehanna River (I guess this one’s not that hidden). I remember several years ago before my sister moved there, I went to visit friends. They asked what I wanted to do and in response I immediately asked “Where is that place with those cool steps by some body of water?” I remembered seeing pictures of it on someone’s Facebook…
Inspiration Kitchen, Garfield Park, Chicago
I went to this restaurant after visiting the Garfield Park Conservatory which I wrote about in my previous post. When we were done, it was lunch time so when looking up places to eat around this area, Inspiration Kitchen showed up with really good reviews. We got fried chicken and biscuits from here and I just have to say that this was probably some of the best friend chicken and biscuits I have had! The chicken was perfectly crisp and seasoned really well. The biscuits had cheddar cheese in them and were so delicious! The side of Macaroni and Cheese was just okay (I’m not the biggest Mac-n-Cheese fan in general though). The menu changes seasonally and I think that if a restaurant does this, most likely it means that they get the most fresh local ingredients. In addition, they also have a great story on how they help with the poverty stricken areas in Chicago.…